Welcome to KeyLink ®

Keylink Loss Adjusters & Risk Management Consultants was incorporated in the Republic of Botswana as a Proprietary Limited Company. The company has been in operation for almost 5 years in Botswana and carries out business in the same areas of Non-Life Loss Adjusting, Risk Management Surveys and Property, Asset and Fleet Valuations and related services and products.

Loss Adjustment Risk Management
We adopt a multi-disciplinary approach recognising the importance of impartiality. We have extensive experience in the management of complex claims particularly those involving multi-country issues. Our approach to risk consultancy builds upon the Concordia philosophy of agreement between the parties. We encourage the fullest cooperation of the policy holder and insurance broker to minimise uninsured losses arising from an insured peril.
Valuations Claims Audits
This is the traditional role that property consultants have always performed in Botswana. Narrowly, a Valuer is a trained professional who has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the factors that create. Too often claims audits take place because something has gone wrong. This should be the exception. Claims audits should be regarded as an integral and essential part of a well run claims operation.

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